An adventure module I own indicates that as soon as a fight breaks out, the villian's quasit minion will drink a potion of hill giant strength.
Looking at the quasit stat block, I am assuming its claw(or bite) attack is not strength based since the quasit has a strength of 5 (-3) but its claw(or bite) attack is +4 to hit. The damage bonus of the claw(or bite) attack is +3 (which matches its Dex of 17 (+3)). The block also states a quasit has a proficiency of +2.
A potion of hill giant strength grants a strength of 21(+5) for an hour. Should I just tweak the to-hit value to +6 and the damage bonus to +5 ??
I'm not sure if the to-hit number is supposed to make sense based on the Str(or Dex) of a monster and its proficiency score, but if it is, then is the quasit stat block wrong?