I've read How Does the Master Craftsman feat work? but I'm having difficulty with some of it.
I want to make sure I'm doing this right. Let's say I have a rogue who wants to craft wondrous items.
- At level 5 he takes master craftsman (requires minimum of 5 ranks in craft)
- At level 7 he takes craft wondrous item (next possible feat level)
He wants to craft a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, Cat's Grace; Cost 2,000 gp (+2), 8,000 gp (+4), 18,000 gp (+6)First he pays the 2,000 gp
- Then we assume 4 days have passed (1d/1,000gp of market price)
Then he rolls his check to see if he suceeded:
1d20 + 7 (maxed out craft) + 2 (master craftsmen) + 3 (misc modifier for being a class skill) + 2 (intelligence modifier) = 1d20 + 14
His DC is
5 + 8 (caster level of item) + 5 (for not being able to cast cat's grace) = 18
It is reasonable that this character can 'take 10' for a roll of 24 vs DC 18 = success
- Are all of these calculations correct?
- Does a +4 or +6 item just costing more money and time? (same CL)
- As a rogue can I use a scroll to help lower a DC level and use a Use Magic Device check for a success on the scroll use
- Can I use a wizard friend to cast the spell to lower the DC?
- Does that make the earliest level for a non caster 7 to craft magical items?