Well, I tried playing with the title to make it as suggestive as "The Beast-buffing", but since this question may have a wider scope let's keep it straight.
As I was saying in the other question, I am nearing the moment when my character in a Changeling: the Lost chronicle can change into any feline. The change takes into account what the character is wearing and carrying, and is tremendously powerful. So far so good, I can see many uses for that :)
However, there's a slight problem, in that it's quite hard to find official stats for animals. The white wolf wiki has a page for felines, but I’d like to be really sure about keeping the game balanced and being able to say "that's the white wolf talking".
Moreover, if I want to branch and also be able to transform into a bird (yes, I’d like my pc to become Manimal :) ) I can't seem to find stats for them.
So, the first part of the question is would be is there an official place for animal stats? Source book? Webpage (but I think I’d have found it by now)?
Now, there's a special catch in Changeling; since I’m not technically an animal - but rather transforming into one - I’d like to know if there are special modifiers to the base animal stats. Does my tiger form can still understand humans? Does it still benefit from armor gained from stances or summer mantle? What about abilities that have a specialization like Grappling in Brawl?
Obviously some abilities couldn't carry on and I think it's quite easy to rule them in or out : it doesn't make sense for my raven form to drive a car; yes I have 5 dots in driving... but no opposable thumb. However, some others stats/abilities are more complex...
Should we rule it out on a case-by-case basis, or are there common rules for the effect transformation has on the PC ?