Can warlocks choose who is affected by fey presence, or does it automatically affect everyone in the 10-ft cube? I assume it to be like Presence in Vampire the Masquerade. The wording is:
"...As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10-ft cube (..) to make a Wisdom check..."
Now I read this as: as an action, you can cause each (all) creature to make a wisdom check. As in, For an action, you can either make them all take a check, or none of them. Kind of like you radiate this presence, and anyone near you is scared or charmed.
The player feels as though he should be able to target specific people. I realize it is up to the DM, but I don't want to screw the player. In fact, I am thinking about just letting it go and allowing him to choose just so he has more fun with it, but I want to know what you guys think.