Wizards of the Coast recently (in February 2020) released a new set of subclasses for playtesting in Unearthed Arcana: Subclasses, Part 3.
Described in this document is the Fey Wanderer ranger's 15th-level Misty Presence feature, which states the following (abridged for brevity):
You can magically remove yourself from one creature's perception: you gain a bonus action that you can use to force [a creature] to make a Wisdom saving throw [...]. On a failed save, the target can't see or hear you for 24 hours.
If the creature cannot see or hear the Fey Wanderer Ranger (and, indeed, if they are completely "removed from the target's senses"), then can they target or attack the Ranger at all? This, of course, is assuming that the target has the standard set of senses.
The document omits any mention of the Invisible, Blinded, Deafened, and Hidden conditions, so it appears that the target of Misty Presence is afflicted by an entirely separate "condition" that isn't covered by their respective rules.