I am currently DMing the early stages of a 5E campaign in which a bad guy (level 4 tiefling warlock) nearly died in combat with the PCs as a result of repeated magic missiles. He knows he is likely to be facing them again in combat before long, and isn't too bright, but is rather paranoid and likes vendettas, so I have decided that he is likely to obsess over this defeat and try to develop specific countermeasures (even though I, as DM, realise that specialising like this could well leave him weaker against various other strategies by the PCs).
What spells or magic items are available to a character of this class and level that would specifically offer protection against magic missiles? The obvious specific counters would be 'shield', which as a warlock he doesn't have access to, or a 'brooch of shielding', which I've decided he doesn't have the resources to obtain in the time available. He does have darkness, so that's one option.
Am I missing anything more specific?