Inspired by this question while figuring out potential ways of circumventing this with an adequately equipped and intelligent enemy.
The thought occurred to me that, whereas you could not send burning pitch through the hut the spell alludes to the temperature within only being comfortable regardless of weather.
The atmosphere inside the space is comfortable and dry, regardless of the weather outside.
So assume the following: The rogues from the referenced question are besieged by their former comrades in their bandit clan and the bandits take cover to negate their sneak attacks. All the while the bandit leader orders wood to be thrown at the hut eventually making, in essence, a bonfire around the hut or something similar like burning pitch etc.
The hut's intention seems to be to keep you safe from the elements so you don't die from exposure and to protect you at least a little bit from being attacked in your sleep. However, if the heat and oxygen depletion were to occur not from weather, but from an external source, could such an act like, say, a catapult of burning pitch cook them alive in their little castle?