Does Freedom of Movement allow you to move even if you have the stunned condition from a spell such as Power Word Stun?
..spells and other magical effects can neither reduce the target’s speed nor cause the target to be paralyzed or restrained
A stunned creature is incapacitated (see the condition), can't move, and can speak only falteringly.
Specifically, my confusion is that the text says "reduce the target's speed".
I'm not sure if reducing speed is the applicable case since stunned just says "can't move".
Plenty of other effects say something specifically about reducing a target's speed, but not the stunned condition.
To be clear, I understand that FoM does not in any way prevent a creature from being stunned (only paralyzed or restrained), but I am looking for specific rules regarding the question of "can't move" either being or not being a reduction in speed.
So, RAW, does Freedom of Movement allow you to move while stunned by a magical effect?
Please be sure to reference as much as you can to rules and sources in your answers.