The rules as interpreted in this question: Is the maximum a task difficulty can be eased 4 without applying Effort? state that you cannot ease a difficulty by more than 2 levels with assets, however through the book there are examples of situations that would allow one to ease a task without stating it counts as an asset, as all assets ease a task, but nothing says that all eases count as an asset. So does everything that eases a task ignore the
An example: Say you have a player with the 'Murders' focus attacking an enemy with a light weapon and has gained surprise, the breakdown of all the bonuses in play(All highlighting my own):
'Murders' focus power (+1 asset)
Tier 1: Surprise Attack. If attacking from a hidden vantage, with surprise, or before an opponent has acted, you gain an asset to your attack. On a successful hit with this surprise attack, you inflict 2 additional points of damage. Enabler.
Numenera Discovery pg.82
Light Weapon (+1 ease)
Light weapons inflict only 2 points of damage, but they ease the attack roll because they are fast and easy to use.
Numenara Discovery pg.95
Surprise (in this case +2 eases)
When a target isn’t aware of an incoming attack, the attacker has an advantage. Attacks by a ranged sniper in a hidden position, an invisible assailant, or the first salvo in a successful ambush are all eased by two steps. For the attacker to gain this advantage, however, the defender truly must have no idea that the attack is coming. If the defender isn’t sure of the attacker’s location but is still on guard, the attacks are eased by only one step.
Numenara Discovery pg.113
So in this case does the player lower the difficulty of the attack by 4, as they only had one named asset, or do they lower it by only 2, treating all these as assets, essentially invalidating half of their benefits?