What does "+1 forward" mean?
Is it simply a shorthand for saying "add 1 to your roll"?
What does "+1 forward" mean?
Is it simply a shorthand for saying "add 1 to your roll"?
From the github repo, here:
Some Moves...
Say "take +1 forward." That means to take +1 to your next move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty, like -1. There also might be a condition, such as "take +1 forward to hack and slash," in which case the bonus applies only to the next time you roll hack and slash, not any other move.
"Forward" adds to your next roll and then goes away. (There are also damage modifiers - "take +1d4 damage forward", "take +style armor forward".)
This is to distinguish it from "ongoing", which is a modifier that doesn't go away after the next roll, though there may be conditions where it ends. ("Take +1 ongoing to Defy Danger as long as you don't stop moving." "Take +2d4 damage ongoing while you wield the sword, but after every kill, roll +kills today and...")
There may also be bonuses without the qualifiers "forward" or "ongoing", which last forever. (They're usually in racial moves: "Take +2 to damage with thrown weapons." "Take +1 to Spout Lore about crimes and doing crimes.")
The Playing the Game section of the Dungeon World SRD describes this:
That means to take +1 to your next move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty, like -1. There also might be a condition, such as “take +1 forward to hack and slash,” in which case the bonus applies only to the next time you roll hack and slash, not any other move.
I don't have Dungeon World to quote, but I do have Monsterhearts, which uses the same game engine. The Monsterhearts rulebook (p. 31) says:
Some moves will tell you to take 1 Forward. This means that you add +1 to your next die roll. A few will be more specific, perhaps telling you to take 1 Forward toward a certain type of action. In those cases, you’ll save the +1 until you find yourself in the specified situation. When you take 1 Forward, the bonus is always used on just one roll, and then it gets erased or crossed off.