I was in DM'ing a game the other day when the party's Level 3 Paladin one-hit KO'd a minor boss.
Here's how he did it:
Total damage = two-handed longsword (1d10) + Str modifier (+2) + Dueling fighting style (+2) + Divine Smite (2d8) + Sacred Weapon option from the Oath of Devotion (+5 from Charisma).
Using RAW, is this legal?
I allowed it to happen in our game because it was a great storytelling moment, but I just wanted to make sure if any rules were being broken. I read through the rules after the fact and I couldn't find anything that would stop this from happening. Am I missing something?
Sidenote: Yes, the PC is only level 3 and already has a +5 Charisma modifier. He just got really lucky when rolling out his stats.