According to answers to this question wall of force follows rules for area spells (PHB, 204)
A spell's effect expands in straight lines from the point of origin. If no unblocked straight line extends from the point of origin to a location within the area of effect, that location isn't included in the spell's area. To block one of these imaginary lines, an obstruction must provide total cover
Now, a hypothetical situation. Mage is trying to cast wall of force in a sphere around a creature. There are several possible variants and related questions:
Variant A
Sphere is placed in such a way that wall intersects creature. According to description of wall of force it causes creature to move to one side of the wall, caster's choice. Does it happen before or after the area of the spell's effect is calculated? I.e. does such a moved creature leave a silhouette-shaped hole in the wall or not?
Variant B
Sphere is placed in a way that creature is within it. Point of origin is as close to creature as possible. Obviously some straight lines from point of origin to a some locations upon the sphere are blocked by said creature. For some of those locations the creature is likely to provide total cover. Does it mean that wall of force would have holes in that case?
Variant C
Wall of force in a 5-foot diameter sphere option cast next to 6-foot tall creature. What happens with the creature? Is it forced to kneel or somehow else fit into the sphere, or is it just moved, but still standing as it was standing, with his head and shoulders sticking through a hole in the wall of force sphere? What if sphere is smaller? I.e. is it possible to use wall of force as a trap, encasing only parts of creature and leaving the rest sticking outside?