While doing finishing touches I've stumbled into a wall when it comes to Sha'ir spell list. Sha'ir is basically half-sorc and half-wizard when it comes to learning spells, with a little spice of dynamically re-preparing spells on the fly. While "spells known" are identical to that of sorcerer, "spells identified" are basically an untangible form of wizard's spellbook.
My problem though, is that while wizard has specified costs of learning new spells (spellbook cost, writing down a spell cost, one can even replicate costs for "lending" a spell to be copied from Pathfinder 1.0), thus easily answering question of "how many spells do I know at level X?", Sha'ir don't have such a thing. Are there any rules that I'm missing? How do I decide how many spells my Sha'ir have in his "identified" list?
BONUS sub-question: can I safely assume that if I multiclass with let's say Cleric, I will have all the spells that are shared between spell lists identified for Sha'ir?