In the spirit of Math is Fun, what's the best way you've found to help your fellow PCs and the GM keep track of buffs and debuffs during play? In our current Jade Regent game, it's gotten to be a major logistical challenge as we have loads of buff spells, bardsong, cavalier's challenge, etc. in play any given round and people forget them a lot of the time. When they do, it makes us all less effective, but also devalues the contribution of the (de-)buffers. Heck, I've started using Hero Lab in play to track them all just on my character (unfortunately, it's not always 100% correct, so I have to track an adjustment separately too...).
We're preparing to start up a Carrion Crown campaign and I'm playing a witch, who is all about debuffs. As the rounds go by I'll be applying rerolls, -2 AC, -2 saves, -2 to hit... I know if I don't help the GM track all those -2's I'm sticking on our opponents then I'll just be throwing away my actions.
We don't use the battle mat except for really major/tactical combats, preferring "theater of the mind" in most cases, so 4e style little widget designators to put on minis don't necessarily help.
I know about Tips for keeping track of NPC stats and conditions but that's more for the GM; in this case I'm a player and need to help the GM and other players keep track even if they're not all that organized (some of the other players are... paying-attention-challenged).