Two of my PCs in my Ars-Magica game have chosen to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from northern france.
I've decided that ArM5 makes a poor system for this journey as its primary focus is on magic. Therefore, I want to use Dogs in the Vineyard to simulate their journey.
What setting and mechanical changes would people recommend to make to dogs in order to have it reflect a pilgrim's journey?
Mechanically, I'm interested in what the highest level of escalation should be and probable links between fallout and experience back in Ars Magica.
Setting is the crucial sticking point for me: I need to create a hierarchy of trouble for a community, as per Dogs, and I'd love recommendations about resources that map to 13th century belief structures, especially the different sects encountered across the journey. While I'll be investing the PCs with what amounts to Dogs authority (probably blessing them as crusaders) I need to figure out what they'll encounter and it's the mapping of trouble that I'm having trouble with.
2nd Edit I am interested in the journey from France to Jerusalem. The pilgrims will be invested with a crusader's power in what amounts to a meta-crusade: "God is annoyed with the crusaders who sacked Constantinople. Find those who have strayed from the path and fix it." Players won't be given (initially) swords, but the escalation of fighting-to-wound and fighting-to-kill is actually quite apt and reflects potential fallout.
The question that's now in my mind is should the rules change for the Cathars in southern france and then again when they enter the conquista areas of Spain? In some ways, I see the "faithful" as the crusaders and the territorial authority as the dominion inspired by the cathars/moslem/etc...
A side question is: was there a catechism or other credo of faith back then? Is it fair to include conflicting dominion auras in Dogs?