In the adventure of escape from Zanzer's dungeon, you meet an NPC named Axel, and get introduced to his "funny dice".
Basically, it consists of Axel trying to cheat you by asking you to roll higher when he has a larger die, or to roll lower, when he uses 2d6 and you use a 1d12.
The game worked as follows: The first to 100 points wins (in this case you win information about where you are, since you have no coins to pay for the information)
Axel gets a d6, and you get a d4. Whomever rolls the highest gets 5 points. This goes on until someone gets 25 points, or you tell Axel the dice are not fair.
Next, Axel gets a d8 and you get 2d4. Whomever rolls lowest gets 5 points. This goes on until someone has 50 points or you tell Axel it's not fair.
Next, Axel gets 1d12 and you get 2d6 Whomever rolls 12 first get 25 points. This goes on until someone rolls a 12, or you say it's not fair.
Next Axel gets 2d10 and you get 1d20. Whomever rolls a "ten" gets 5 points. This goes on until someone gets 100 points, or you tell axel it's not fair.
Then you are told that Axel was cheating by taking advantage of the odds. For example, when Axel got a d12 and you used 2d6, Axel was 3 times more likely than you to roll a 12. This is why you must always follow dice-rolling instructions carefully.