This is a great one, that comes from here: How does Anticipate Teleportation Greater affect someone walking through a Dimension Door? and Anticipate Teleportation on yourself.
So... you are inside your own area of effect and use the spell Stand on yourself.
Does the effect go with you or stay there because that is instant?
What if you use Dimension Door to teleport to somewhere inside the area?
What if someone actively teleports you inside your AoE? For example using Dimension Hop, Benign Transposition, or Baleful Transposition?
Assume you send someone 3 rounds to nothingness from teleporting. If you teleport out of that place before those 3 rounds pass, does that effect end or continue the whole 3 rounds?
If you go down the "the effect disappears with you" path, what happens with other area effects like "fear aura" when you teleport like 30 feet? sShould your enemies get another ST?.