My understanding was that when improving a merit to the next level the player always buys one new dot, no matter how many dots they already have in that merit. Say, improving Resources from 2 dots to 3 dots would require paying for just this single new dot, as opposed to paying for three new dots. I also thought the same applies to style merits. A dot is a dot and costs like a single dot.
Now, I'm having some doubts, especially when it comes to styles.
So, which is correct?
A1) Improving a scaled merit (e.g. Resources) from 1 to 5 requires paying for four dots in total: one dot from 1 to 2, then one dot from 2 to 3, then one dot from 3 to 4, and finally one dot from 4 to 5. That's how I thought it works.
A2) Improving a scaled merit (e.g. Resources) from 1 to 5 requires paying for fourteen dots in total: two dots from 1 to 2, then three dots from 2 to 3, then four dots from 3 to 4, and finally five dots from 4 to 5. I don't think this is true.
B1) Improving a style merit (e.g. Fast-Talking) from 1 to 5 requires paying for four dots in total: one dot from 1 to 2, then one dot from 2 to 3, then one dot from 3 to 4, and finally one dot from 4 to 5. Effectively styles are no different from other scaled merits, they just provide additional complex effects at each level.
B2) Improving a style merit (e.g. Fast-Talking) from 1 to 5 requires paying for fourteen dots in total: two dots from 1 to 2, then three dots from 2 to 3, then four dots from 3 to 4, and finally five dots from 4 to 5. Effectively styles are collections of separate merits that need to be bought in order.