For example, at level 1, a Wizard has access to the following spells:
Burning Hands, 1d4/CL, Fire, Cone
Snowball, 1d6/CL, Cold, Ranged Touch
Corrosive Touch, 1d4/CL, Acid, Touch
Shocking Grasp, 1d6/CL, Electric, Touch
- Burning Hands is the only elemental cone attack at that level.
- Corrosive Touch and Shocking Grasp deal different damage types (an Shocking Grasp even gets bonuses to attack rolls vs. metal).
- Snowball is the only ranged touch elemental attack at that level.
Is there a balance reason why there aren't equivalent spells for each element at the same level? A cone of cold, electricity, or acid? A missile of acid? etc.