Rules Compendium, Page 228:
Identical effects that a save can end
If a character is subject to identical effects that a save can end, ignore all but one of those effects. For instance if the character is dazed (save ends) and then is attacked again again becomes dazed (save ends), ignore the second effect, since it is identical to the first one.
The Basilisk has the Petrifying Gaze attack, that on a hit causes the following:
Hit: the target is immobilised SE
First Failed Saving Throw: Target is restrained instead of immobilised SE
Second Failed Saving Throw: Target is Petrified.
Am I correct in reading that once someone has failed their first save against the Basilisk's Magic Eyeballs, that they are now open to having the effect reapplied, and therefore being subject to the power's ongoing effect twice, albeit at different stages?
Is the effect (usage of the term from the rules exerpt) of the attack the whole block, or only the current status effect at the time?