I'm the GM for a new campaign that started with PCs at level 5. One player's PC is an engineer/machinesmith.
The first session saw the player's PC use a pneumatic launcher that the PC had made magical so that when activated—using no charges and without daily limits on its use—the launcher generated an effect like the spell burning hands. Further, the player explained, the PC had made the launcher magical in other ways so that it could also be activated to generate other effects mimicking spells (exact spells escape me), likewise without limits.
The player argued that any object can be made into a wondrous item so there's no real limit except money.
I argued that only a masterwork weapon can be made into a magic weapon, masterwork armor into magic armor, a masterwork shield into both a magic weapon and magic armor, and a masterwork object into a wondrous item. Other items like scrolls, wands, staffs, and rods are specifically created from scratch, serving no other purpose but as magic items.
He replied that any object can be any kind of magic item except that armor, a shield, or a weapon must remain armor, a shield, or a weapon. Besides, the rules say a machinesmith's gadgets can be magical anyway. He also thinks I'm wrong about a masterwork shield being able to be made into both a magic weapon and magic shield, claiming that would break the game.
- Is the only real limit on a PC's ability to create magic items the PC's wealth?
- Can any object be made into a wondrous item or only masterwork objects?
- Can a magic item that's not armor, a shield, or a weapon have any form the creator desires? For example, can a creator use the feat Scribe Scroll to create a scroll that looks like a staff but functions as a scroll?
- Can a magic shield be made into both a magic weapon and a magic shield?