Does my Sleuth get extra Relationship build points when the narrative gives me a new Hate, or is that only during character creation?
The GM will create a Hate relationship for you, or you can work with her to do so. When you take a Hate, that Relationship starts at 3 for free, and you gain 3 build points to put into your other Relationships. [...] New Hates may be added later in play.
- "Like, Love, and Hate" BGS 27
It's unclear to me from the long paragraph I've partially quoted whether mid-game Hates grant 3 free Hate and 3 build points, or if that's only for character creation (which is the context of the paragraph: it's in the "Character Creation" chapter). If it is only at the start of the game, is there any guidance for mid-game Hates?
I'm especially confused about what happens if you use negative Cool to create a new Hate after a conflict ("Effects of Cool Damage" BGS 68).