The Shield Master feat states:
If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you with your shield.
I've encountered several nonsensical situations at the table where it was helpful for a Shield Master player to just shove someone and not attack them (perhaps dashing away or drinking a potion was a better idea). Indeed, it's creating occasional instances where a character shoves to get themselves out of danger and then needs to move right back into danger to comply with the attack requirement.
I'm considering a house rule to not require the Attack action when using this feat and if it created imbalances. Have others tried this and if so, what problems did you see (if any).
The issue I have is that if you don't have the feat, you have to use your Action to shove somebody. Given that the player has expended a feat, it seems they should get some versatility with it. My vision would be they could shove, then Dash away to safety; shove, then cast a ranged spell or make a ranged attack without penalties; shove, then take the Dodge action.
As the feat is usually taken by a tank, it'd be nice for them to be able to create breathing space without having to put themselves back into danger.