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18 votes
3 answers

Means of pretending to be Dominated, thralled, or Charmed

Is there any means for a character to pretend to be subject to a mind-effecting spell or ability after resisting or being immune, so as not to alert the caster?
The Amused Muse's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Does trying to charm an uncharmable creature cost a spell slot?

I'm soon going to DM for the first time; we'll be playing 5e. If my players try to charm a creature with a condition immunity to being charmed, will they still lose a spell slot? They are all first ...
pttg's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Is the casting of the Charm Person spell obvious?

Charm Person has verbal and somatic components. Is there anything in the rules as written that defines how obvious those verbal and somatic components are? Would it be obvious the caster was casting ...
Jack's user avatar
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