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Questions tagged [ghosts-of-saltmarsh]

For questions about "Ghosts of Saltmarsh" (2019), the D&D 5e collection of adventures published by Wizards of the Coast. The book adapts a number of AD&D 1e modules, including the "U"-series and some other nautical adventures from Dungeon magazine. Please keep your question's title spoiler-free and use spoiler blocks in the body.

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20 votes
3 answers

How far can a ship "see"?

I need a sight range for a ship at sea in 5e. This is important because I'm using a virtual tabletop and using fog of war. This seems like a stat that would be part of the ship's stat block, but such ...
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11 votes
1 answer

How much water can a ship take on before sinking?

My players are currently in a naval battle. The wizard used Disintegrate on the enemy warship's hull and now water is getting inside the ship. I remember reading something about that in the Ghosts of ...
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