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Questions tagged [kult-divinity-lost]

Kult: Divinity Lost is the 4th edition of the modern horror RPG, using a Powered by the Apocalypse ruleset.

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5 votes
1 answer

Do stabilized injuries count towards the serious injury limit in Kult: Divinity Lost?

When a PC suffers one or more serious injury, they have a -1 to all rolls. When they suffer a critical wound they have another cumulative -1 to all rolls. However, all wounds (serious and critical) ...
raven's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

The Coolness attribute seems a bit broken to me. How to effectively use it as a GM?

"Act under pressure" seems to be kind of a wildcard move, useful for broadly anything when there's any kind of risk involved. It seems to me that it's somewhat broken, in the sense that it's ...
raven's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Difficulty or penalty in KULT: Divinity Lost tests

Should the GM set a difficulty (a penalty) for player moves, in the form of Move(2d10) + Attribute - Penalty? I'm asking because, despite for Endure Injury move, ...
paulodiovani's user avatar
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What to roll when attacked in KULT: Divinity Lost?

I got a bit confused with the Avoid Harm and Endure Injury moves and when to trigger any of them. While it is very clear that Engage in Combat is the right move when the PC attacks someone who is ...
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How do "avoid a blow" edges affect the outcome of other moves?

In Kult: Divinity Lost, several Advantages can grant you combat edge that allows you to "avoid" or "block" an attack (Field Agent, Lightning Fast, Martial Arts Expert, Street Fighter). Can you mix ...
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