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MechWarrior (1st Edition) vs MechWarrior (2nd Edition) Character Stats / Conversion

BattleTech & MechWarrior used to be 'mini combat' & 'rpg' respectively; and have gone through various versions; changing core aspects of the game & how the math works. In MechWarrior, ...
George 2.0 Hope's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do Called/Aimed Shots interact with the optional Hit Locations rules in A Time of War?

Hit Locations (p. 190 AToW) are an optional rule in A Time of War [Mechwarrior 4th Ed RPG] which alter some of the normal combat rules when in place, such as the effects of injury. When a players ...
Runeslinger's user avatar
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10 votes
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What are appropriate XP totals for generating Experienced and Veteran PCs in A Time of War? [Mechwarrior 4th Ed)

When detailing characters either as NPCs or PCs in A Time of War, the new edition of the Mechwarrior RPG, what number of XP would fairly represent the difference between a Green character, an ...
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What is the closest RPG analogue to the newest version of the Mechwarrior RPG? [closed]

What is the closest RPG analogue to the newest version of the Mechwarrior RPG? I played the second and third versions of the mechwarrior rpg, but am unfamiliar with the new Classic BattleTech RPG.
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