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Can the third benefit of the Mobile feat prevent multiple creatures you attack in a single turn from making opportunity attacks against you that turn?

I am playing a monk. I wanted to use the Mobile feat, specifically the third option that prevents opportunity attacks, to do the following: hit creature 1 with my attack, then move away from creature ...
Curious's user avatar
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How many times per round can I use the goblin racial feat Roll With It?

How many times per round of combat can I use the Goblin racial feat Roll With It? The feat itself does not specify once per turn; however, I have had it ruled both ways in the past, and am simply ...
John-D-Frogman's user avatar
6 votes
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Does using Spellsong to conceal casting prevent attacks of opportunity?

I'm adjacent to an opponent that threatens me. I use the feat Spellsong to conceal that I'm casting a spell. My Perform check result bests my opponent's Perception or Sense Motive skill check. Do I ...
FrancisJohn's user avatar
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How many spear/pike wielding enemies with Polearm Master feat can attack a single incoming enemy?

Imagine a hoplite phalanx formation where every spear/pike & shield wielding warrior has Polearm Master. While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, or quarterstaff, other creatures ...
Drake's user avatar
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12 votes
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Can a character power attack before making an attack of opportunity?

In a recent game, a scenario arose where a character lost initiative but subsequently was granted an attack of opportunity (had Combat Reflexes) by an enemy. There was a follow up discussion about ...
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