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21 votes
4 answers

How do I deal with a Technomancer who uses a *lot* of sprites?

We have a Technomancer in our party who has a bunch of registered sprites. When something interesting happens - let's say the characters fight some attackers off and send them running away - he simply ...
Colen's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Do Technomancers need a commlink?

So I had never heard of Shadowrun before one of my players brought it up and asked if we could play it. I got the book, and have been perusing it for a few days. One of my players says he wants to be ...
Drew's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Any rules or fluff around a technomancer infected with HMHVV?

I've been toying with the idea of making a campaign's antagonist an HMHVV infected technomancer (AKA techno-ghoul). Is there anything in the various sourcebooks or official fluff that describes this ...
Capt.Pantsless's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What good are Data Sprites?

Data Sprites appear to be worse than other sprites in almost every way at a reasonable level of resonance. In particular the Courier sprite has access to most of the same abilities, gets an extra ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Resonance Realms - Why bother?

Why as a player should I care about resonance realms? I understand that the actual character would be totally into hanging out in them, but from a gameplay point of view, why should I care?
Eforen's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can Technomancers use software and complex forms simultaneously?

Currently, I am delving into playing a Technomancing Rigger, but part of his whole deal is the hacking bit (because seriously, why the heck not?!). While reading complex forms, I hit a beehive of ...
CatLord's user avatar
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5 votes
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Faster technomancer play — what dice formulas should I have on hand?

Motivation I am new to Shadowrun 4th and am playing a technomancer. Both the other players and the GM are getting annoyed with me having to look up my rolls for things, so what I was wondering is if ...
Eforen's user avatar
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Can a mage Assense a Technomancer?

I'm writing a backstory for my character in SR4. One of the characters in my backstory is a little girl who would have been considered an Otaku (though not in any of the crazy cults) and would have ...
Falon The Fox's user avatar
5 votes
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Can a Technomancer with Biowire thread a memorized Skillsoft?

I'm playing a Technomancer in a SR4 game and since every other players is bored when I spend more than 5 minutes hacking (which I understand but someone has to gather intel), I decided to give a try ...
Trajan's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Would this Technomancer concept be plausible?

I haven't played Shadowrun quite yet, but I've been reading the 4E core rulebook and I have been trying to build a character. I've been working on a Technomancer, but for character fluff I was ...
Cobalt's user avatar
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Can Threading or Sprites be a reliable substitute for known Complex Forms?

Which strategy would be more advisable for a Technomancer at character creation: buying a smaller number of high-rank Complex Forms that you know you will need, and using Threading or Sprites to do ...
Cobalt's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Technomancer's Dragon Hoard - What to do with all the credits?

Problem I noticed that as a Technomancer I end up with a hoard of credits and I'am having trouble figuring out how to spend it. I have High Lifestyle, A fair safehouse with luxury level security, Some ...
Eforen's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How complex are sprite tasks usually allowed to be?

What is the general consensus on how detailed a Sprite command can be? I know Sprite tasks aren't spent until the Technomancer changes the command, but does having conditional modifiers like "if" or "...
Cobalt's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Does being a technomancer affect AR needs?

I know technomancers have a living VR Persona and can thread Complex Forms to simulate most programs in the Matrix, but what about simple AR? Do they need a Complex Form or hardware for AR feed, or do ...
Cobalt's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can Technomancers change the appearance of their Persona?

I don't recall if there is any flavor text for or against this, but is a Technomancer's Matrix Persona's appearance fixed, or can it be changed?
Cobalt's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is a Technomancer's Matrix Initiative limited by Resonance?

I am aware Shadowrun 4e says none of the Technomancer's Persona's attributes may exceed their Resonance attribute, but what of its "Other Ratings"? Are Biofeedback Filter and Matrix Initiative limited ...
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