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For questions about the practical arts and methods applied to gamemastering (GMing).
Setting a table atmosphere that keeps players energetic during long encounters
In general, I feel that the main issue here is with your intended pacing of the session. With a four hour session, I don't think it is generally possible for the entire time to be intense and expect f …
How can I screen new players to make sure they are a good fit for my game?
I've been in a very similar situation with a Savage Worlds zombie game I wanted to run, and there were several things I did that helped.
Make it really, really clear in your 'sales pitch' what you ar …
Level of detail in description?
One aspect that hasn't been discussed so far is the use of description as a pacing tool. The principle is quite straightforward.
For creepy scenes, or those where you are signalling that you are givi …
How to deal with players asking for an "infodump"
The way I would rule this is that, unless the character has a very specific knowledge skill, you can make a general ruling as GM about how much information about something as secretive as a triad orga …
A player was bucking my style and I lost my temper. What can I do from here?
Was this player's behaviour justified?
No, it really wasn't. They are entitled to prefer a play style that emphasises faster, combat heavy roleplaying and limited verbose descriptions – it is a vali …
How do you deal with Overpowered PCs?
A 16 HP Dragon is required reading for anyone in this type of situation. It does a better job than I ever could of demonstrating that monster stats only go so far in Dungeon World when you're trying t …
Is It OK To Sic Assassins On My PCs?
My answer to this is that they can. There's nothing stopping you creating NPCs that are effective assassins. But I would turn it around and ask the question 'Why would you want to?'. If doing so cr …
How should a GM deal with "standing orders?"
I think the answers given so far cover most aspects. However, an angle that has not been mentioned is the effect that the game's genre and atmosphere would have on what 'standing orders' were allowed …
How to expose information without making a villain monologue
When questions come up about how much detail to plan for when prepping for a campaign/session etc, one of the answers I tend to agree with is that you only do as much as the players are going to see/e …
Relative difficulty in Savage Worlds skill checks?
The difficulty of Trait Tests in Savage Worlds is adjusted by applying modifiers to the roll. These are described in the Trait Tests section of the core rules, and the example given is for using the T …
How can I deal with players that get bored waiting for their turns playing online?
I know that you mention your players are against the idea of someone else taking their turn. However, if the issue is spoiling the fun for people at the table then something has to be done. The player …
How do I deal with players that pick very situational skills for a Campaign?
I believe that if you have a definite plan for a genre/setting for your campaign, you and your players have to work together to make it work. This includes character creation. It's going to be tough t …
How to prevent conflict between characters from becoming conflict between players?
So first, a couple of things I would do if you plan on doing something like this from scratch again in the future...
The first point I want to make is something I've learned from hard, bitter experie …
Is saying "Your PC wouldn't do that" to a player denying their agency?
As is so often the case, I believe the answer to this question is more nuanced than a simple yes or no, and it depends on the precise circumstances.
Does what the character is doing impact on the RAW …
How much, if at all, should a DM coach new players on basics?
Player characters are usually more than competent adventurers. This means if they have a skill then the character knows how best to use it. A scout would know how to scout, and an adventuring party wo …