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16 votes

Are dice pools public knowledge in Dogs in the Vineyard/DOGS?

Dice pools are public knowledge in Dogs in the Vineyard. All told, you take up 6d6 plus 1d8, and I take up 8d6. [...] We roll all our dice. Leave 'em out on the table where everybody can see. You can ...
Glazius's user avatar
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10 votes

How represent a D6 pool system where a 5 is half success and a 6 is full success using Anydice?

If I understand you correctly, something like this should do it: ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
6 votes

Are dice pools public knowledge in Dogs in the Vineyard/DOGS?

In DOGS, explicitly yes When I first asked the question, I had been close-reading the sections relevant to conflict. I should have paid closer attention to the preface, which explicitly says: ...
1600hp's user avatar
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What's the closest I can get to simulating critical hits with a dice pool, without relying on the total sum?

If you want a fun way to do it and you're in person, you could have someone call a pair of the dice which have to add up to exactly 8 (e.g. 1+7, 2+6... 7+1) which is 4.86% according to anydice (though ...
Cassie's user avatar
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5 votes

How to reduce the variance of a dice pool mechanic?

I think the answer of Lexible is mathematically sound, I'd like to add some examples of how other existing games already do this and what you might take from it: Games like Shadowrun, where the dice ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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5 votes

Successive, conditional opposed rolls (anydice)

The most concise way is to use the comparison operators. The >= operator produces a 1 if the left side is greater or equal to ...
HighDiceRoller's user avatar
5 votes

Count successes in pools of stepped dice

Anydice: ...
datacube's user avatar
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4 votes

Count successes in pools of stepped dice

Interactive calculator It's not AnyDice, but I have a Year Zero Engine calculator here, powered by my Icepool Python package. This is based on the Year Zero Engine Standard Reference Document v1.0; in ...
HighDiceRoller's user avatar
4 votes

Are dice pools public knowledge in Dogs in the Vineyard/DOGS?

From the GM at least, this is an X/Y problem. You say: If everyone can see their opponent's available dice, then there's no point in ever Raising with a number that your opponent could Counter; you'...
Zachiel's user avatar
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3 votes

AnyDice code for rolling pools of dice, ignoring all 6s, and adding up the remainder; whoever rolls highest wins

Here is an anydice program that should do that. ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
2 votes

AnyDice function to reroll one die if any die rolls X

There are two problems here: ...
HighDiceRoller's user avatar
2 votes

What's the closest I can get to simulating critical hits with a dice pool, without relying on the total sum?

You could count up a number of successes You can set a success cutoff number for each pool size, count all rolls equal or higher than that cutoff as successes and demand a given number or more of ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
2 votes

How to reduce the variance of a dice pool mechanic?

You can set the variance of a dice pool to an arbitrary amount in four steps. Subtract the distribution mean from your roll. If using N dice as you describe, each die contributes 0.5 towards the ...
Lexible's user avatar
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1 vote

Count successes in pools of stepped dice

Partial Answer: single die analysis## d6 and d8 are easy. You just reroll them when they have no success so it is the chance of having at least one success in two roll with such a die d6 => ~30.5% ...
datacube's user avatar
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1 vote

Anydice question involving pools and points to modify failures

Here's one way to do it. First, let's simplify the problem a little by relabeling the sides of the dice with the number of points needed to upgrade them into a success. So 5 and 6 become 0, 4 becomes ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar

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