I am building a Crusader, and I want to make better use of the features Steely Resolve and Furious Counterstrike.
Steely Resolve creates a delayed damage pool, the first 10* damage you receive every round are delayed to the end of your next turn. It starts every encounter from 0.
Furious Counterstrike gives you +1 to attack and damage rolls for every 5 HP in your delayed damage pool (rounded down, minimum +1).
Is there any way to deal myself 10 damage without spending my action on it? So even when I win the initiative, I am able to attack with a bonus greater than +1.
Preferably a feat I can take on level 1, or a simple magic item, but even a 1 level dip would work for me.
Extra points if the feature gives something positive itself.
Race: Warforged
World: Eberron
*The threshold changes with level, but this is irrelevant for now.