
Suppose that creatures A, B, and C are positioned in a straight line, with A at the start, then an empty space, then B in the next space, and C in the space after that.

A has a reach weapon (and is an enemy of both B and C, not sure if that changes anything). C has soft cover from A, but is also out of reach. Now, C moves closer to A - through B's square, then into the empty square. Movement into the empty square would normally provoke an attack of opportunity for moving out of the square threatened via reach, but if B provides soft cover for those moving through his space, that attack cannot be taken.

Do any rules, FAQs, etc. rule either way on whether a creature has cover when moving through an ally's space?

  • \$\begingroup\$ That’s a damn good question; I don’t think there’s an answer for it. Here’s hoping someone knows something I don’t! \$\endgroup\$
    – KRyan
    Commented Jul 26, 2019 at 13:52

1 Answer 1


On Cover says, "When making a melee attack against a target that isn’t adjacent to you (such as with a reach weapon), use the rules for determining cover from ranged attacks." That's done by doing this:

To determine whether your target has cover from your ranged attack, choose a corner of your square. If any line from this corner to any corner of the target’s square passes through a square or border that blocks line of effect or provides cover, or through a square occupied by a creature, the target has cover (+4 to AC).

Also, on Cover and Attacks of Opportunity says, "You can’t execute an attack of opportunity against an opponent with cover relative to you."

However, Moving through a Square says, "You can move through a square occupied by a friendly character, unless you are charging. When you move through a square occupied by a friendly character, that character doesn’t provide you with cover" (emphasis mine).

Thus, in the scenario described in the question, when C takes a move action to move into his ally B's square, A can't make an attack of opportunity against C because the attack of opportunity would've been provoked from the square C just left, and C has soft cover from A in that square. However, when C exits B's square (as he typically must), if C exits into a space that that A still threatens, C will provoke attacks of opportunity normally as C being in the square with B doesn't provide either of them with cover.


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