First, what your DM does is not wrong. The rules of the game even tell them to use dice however they want (page 236 DMG):
Dice are neutral arbiters. They can determine the outcome of an action without assigning any motivation to the DM and without playing favorites. The extent to which you use them is entirely up to you.
Leaving the direction in which the story moves to chance based on the outcome of a roll is as valid a way to play as taking more influence on it. They are just different styles of play.
If you feel that the way your DM is running the game is not fun and detracts from your enjoyment, the best way to address this is to speak with them about it and share your perspective, so they can consider it.
All of you play to have fun, and if you have very different expectations about how to play the game, this can lead to problems. If you have not done so, it might be a good idea to hold a belated “session zero” with the entire group to understand how you all want to play.
Especially the social skills like persuasion are often problematic, because it is frustrating to role play a great argument, only to be then told to make a roll, and fail if it fails, as if you had not said anything. On the other hand, it also is problematic if the character’s abilities do not influence the outcome. There are long articles written on the subject of how to deal with this.
To give you an impression from the other end of how this can go, in our game, some of the players decided to not take Persuasion as a skill any more, as the DM relies so much on the narrated discussion and the prior motivations of the parties involved, that the skill is borderline useless. That’s also not a great outcome.
In the end, it is your DM’s call how they do this. If you can convince them to ease up on it, great. If not, you’ll have to decide if the game overall is still fun, or not.