

The Isitoq, the wonderful Undead Eye available as an Improved Familiar1. It has two abilities that appear to be... the same:

Daze (Ex): An isitoq's nerves form grotesque wings. Any creature struck by the creature's wings must succeed at a DC 11 Will save or be dazed for 1 round as the target's mind is flooded with images of the last seconds of the isitoq's existence as a living creature. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Tears of Anguish (Su:) As a full-round action, an isitoq can make a ranged touch attack to squirt tears into the eyes of a creature within 30 feet. If the target fails a DC 11 saving throw, it experiences the effect of the isitoq's daze ability. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Daze is very cut and dry. Tears of Anguish though, specifically says it experiences the Daze ability. Daze is (Ex) and Tears of Anguish is (Su), though, so there is a separation in delivery, but not really in method. The reason this is important, is for the purposes of the feat Ability Focus.

Would I need Ability Focus for each ability, or just Daze, since Tears of Anguish2 produces the effect of Daze?

I can internally argue it both ways. I just would like to know what those here on RPG.SE have to say in order to make a more informed decision.

Swapping out Weapon Finesse for Ability Focus is a no-brainer, since Diminutive creatures can use Dexterity to hit anyway3, as a familiar.

  • 1An evil spellcaster with the Improved Familiar feat can gain an isitoq as a familiar at 5th level.
  • 2If the target fails a DC 11 saving throw, it experiences the effect of the isitoq's daze ability.
  • 3Use the familiar's Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is greater, to calculate the familiar's melee attack bonus with natural weapons.

1 Answer 1


The Isitoq's Daze is delivered as part of its wing attack :

2 wings +6 (1d1–3 plus daze) ;

While its Tears of Anguish is a special attack, a full-round action ranged touch attack which delivers the same effects as its Daze, i.e. :

be dazed for 1 round as the target's mind is flooded with images of the last seconds of the isitoq's existence as a living creature.

I understand the doubt that could arise, however they are different abilities, even though they have the same effect.

Tears of Anguish :

If the target fails a DC 11 saving throw, it experiences the effect of the isitoq's daze ability.

The fact that both special attacks have different saving throws means that Ability Focus would affect only one of them. If you're hit by Tears of Anguish, you don't get a second saving throw from Daze.

You'd need two Ability Focus.


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