
A party member casts polymorph on herself. Will casting enlarge person increase her size?

I believe in 3.5 this did not work. I can't find any ruling text in pathfinder saying that it does or doesn't.


3 Answers 3



On Magic on the school Transmutation on the subschool Polymorph says, "In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph [subschool] spell."

An enlarge person spell doesn't work if it's cast on a creature benefiting from a polymorph spell.


I'd want to verify this with your GM, but unless a spell specifically denies a particular tactic, I'd assume the player found a clever use for it and allow it.


This will work sometimes

Enlarge person can only work on a humanoid creature, see spell text. If the party member polymorphs into a humanoid creature (which is allowed), then, enlarge person will enlarge her size. Otherwise (if she polymorphs into a non humanoid creature) it will not enlarge her.


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