Give Attack Bonus to Rogue First and Damage Bonus to Fighter First (With Many Caveats)
As others have well explained a weapon that generates advantage should basically always go to the Rogue first, because it radically increases their chance at sneak attack. However you will likely encounter a pile of other magic weapons along the way so I will not focus on this.
With most magic weapons the basic principle should be that, when sneak attack is available, it is more important that one of the Rogue's two attacks hit than that one more of the Champion Fighter's hit, and statistically it is more difficult for the Rogue to land a hit since they have fewer attacks. A level 11 Rogue with sneak attack will do an average of 21 extra damage from landing a sneak attack but even dual wielding and using their bonus action they will only get 2 bites at that apple. This sneak attack damage, when available, is on average the bulk of the damage they will do (especially since the offhand attack doesn't get their dex bonus), and this generally applies even if their weapons gets a damage bonus. Often they will not even get the offhand attack because of the many things they can and often should do with their bonus action.
Meanwhile the fighter will statistically have more attacks hit in their turn. Thus bonus weapon damage matters far more to the fighter than the Rogue. Consider also that the champion has an expanded crit range so they will double the damage dice of the extra damage twice as often. Consider that they will use the offhand attack a bit more often since they have fewer bonus action options.
Another factor is that for the level 11 Fighter three attacks can be with one weapon, one with the other which makes one sword of damage awesomeness more valuable than two swords of half as much damage awesomeness.
But, using an example of fairly typical magic weapons, I would say that a straight +2 weapon should probably go to the Rogue first whereas a +1 with 1d6 damage bonus should probably go to the Fighter first. The first is more likely to hit, the second does 2.5 more damage on average then the first when it does.
In terms of the offhand weapon the answer is clearer: favor the Rogue with anything that ups attack if they frequently use their bonus action to attack and the Fighter if they don't. The difference in what damage the weapon will add to the single bonus action attack for one character versus the other is marginal compared to a high level sneak attack happening or not happening.
I'm afraid because of these numerous variables, and the variability of enemy AC, it is exceptionally complex to actually calculate the permutations for average damage even of example scenarios with example weapons, particularly if a dual wielding character does not have identical weapons in each hand. (I started to do it, and it quickly involved about a page of calculations for each scenario. For example, there are eight different results for how many combinations of hits or non-hits a level 11 fighter with two different weapons can do and for each one there are permutations of how many crits v. non-crits, and then they can also action surge!). So, realistically, you'll just have to get a feel for whether a particular weapon is frequently making the difference in a Rogue hitting with sneak attack or not hitting at all.
Moving beyond actually optimizing party damage output, consider finally that, since the Rogue is statistically less likely to hit at least once with any weapon, that player, without a weapon increasing attack, is substantially more likely to have a complete bummer turn where they just miss and do no damage at all, and that makes for less enjoyable gameplay for most people.