
Does the Rogue's Reliable Talent work for thieves' tools, since the rogue is proficient in them?

On PHB, pg. 96, it says when Reliable Talent is applicable:

Whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus

And on PHB, pg. 154, it says about using thieves' tools:

Proficiency with these tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to disarm traps or open locks.

Based on this phrasing from the PHB, I believe it would indeed work for tools and kits, but I am looking for affirmation of my understanding.


1 Answer 1


Your interpretation is correct

You already quote all the necessary rules.

  • Using Thieves' Tools usually involves an ability check
  • Proficiency in Thieves' Tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to the check
  • Reliable Talent works on any ability check where you add proficiency

Therefore, Reliable Talent will work on a check that uses Thieves' Tools if you are proficient with them


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