I've been playing with the idea of using 3d12, keep the middle, for skills rolls in my skirmishes (sort of simulating the curve of a 3d6 roll). But now I what to play with the idea of folding multiple 3d12 middle rolls into one roll by making it "roll Xd12, keep middle dice", with each dice in the middle (i.e. all dice aside from the lowest and highest), representing an individual roll.
So for example, if I'm firing three shots from a machine gun, instead of making three individual 3d12 middle rolls, I would roll 5d12 and keep the middle three values as individual results. I know these two approaches would be mathematically different, I just want to know how much of a difference as you scale up the number of dice in the pool (4d12, 5d12...).
I've been able to model 3d12 middle in AnyDice, but doing something like Xd12, or "4d12, and keep the middle dice as individual results", doesn't really work AFAIK. If anyone can help me conceptualize or model this idea, that would be greatly appreciated.