My group is gearing up to play DFRPG, and one of the players is interested in making a Changeling with mortal evocation and Summer Court fae magic.
The other day, he asked me how he would affect technology. He's not quite a mortal practitioner, but he's also not quite one of the fae, so his effect on technology was in a bit of a grey area.
I realize that in the FATE system, a question like this pretty much comes down to group consensus, but at the same time this seems like a question that would have come up with other groups before. Further, it's entirely likely that this interaction may be covered by the rules and I've simply missed it.
For the time being, the two of us agreed that his mere presence wouldn't disrupt technology, nor would his Seelie magic, but his mortal evocations would. However, if there is rules support (or strong arguments) against that interpretation, I'd like to hear it. This particular character is the only one even conceptualized so far (of a group of 4 characters, most likely), so changing things is easy.