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Why does proposing a compel against another player cost a fate point? [Nevermind] [closed]

Fate Core p. 71 Finally, and this is very important: if a player wants to compel another character, it costs a fate point to propose the complication. The GM can always compel for free, and any ...
Ponggoleechee's user avatar
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5 answers

How severe should a Compel be if it's worth one Fate Point?

If a Compel is the most interesting way to gain Fate Points, then how serious should it be? What kind of trouble does a character have to go through to get one? If it's too bad, they might end up ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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Are fate points assigned per player or per character?

I am currently preparing a campaign (using Strands of Fate, but this is a pertinent question for all systems that use the FATE core mechanics) that will have players jointly leading a faction as well ...
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