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LeguRi's user avatar
LeguRi's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
43 votes

A medusa and a beholder look at each other. What happens?

34 votes

Do any newer D&D versions grant experience for exceptional role-playing?

31 votes

Is it possible to actually kill a Tarrasque?

20 votes

How can I encourage zombie investigation?

20 votes

Strategies for dealing with turtle or roach players?

18 votes

3d6 vs a d20: What is the effect of a different probability curve?

13 votes

Encouraging out-of-the-box thinking in combat encounters

10 votes

Cameo Characters?

7 votes

Do role-playing games have to be fun?

4 votes

How to keep track of abilities for D&D 4e?

4 votes

The half-elf: is it balanced?

3 votes

Beyond hit points: injury in D&D

2 votes

How do you adjudicate a chase?

2 votes

What did you do for a Tarrasque adventure?

1 vote

Beyond hit points: injury in D&D

1 vote

Any good steampunk material for d20?

1 vote

As a DM, how can I integrate a commerce aspect to D&D?

1 vote

What could you call medical doctors in a medieval/fantasy setting?

0 votes

Converting D&D 3.5 characters to D20 Modern characters

0 votes

How can I make monster knowledge checks fun?

-4 votes

How can DMs effectively telegraph specific dangers in D&D?