In the mechanics of using a bow, you would hold the bow with your off hand and draw with your primary hand. My question has to do with the action economy of passing the bow from my off hand to my primary hand.
Let's say that I have completed my two standard attacks using my bow as a fighter at level 5. At which point I'd like to pass my bow from my off hand to my primary hand. Using my free item interaction with my off hand, I'd like to draw a dagger, and then, using my bonus action, throw the dagger as an off-handed attack.
Would this be permitted?
Since moving the bow from 1 hand to the other is not stowing or drawing it, would I therefore still have the free item interaction available to perform this act? Or would the passing between hands effectively count as my free item interaction meaning that I would need to use a full action to draw the dagger on the same turn?