I just found out about the shaken errata that our Game Master did not knew about and we didn't use. Our GM is kinda strict; if it is not in the rules, it basically does not work. Under the Shaken condition a character can move and make free actions - but I wasn't able to figure out which actions are actually free ones, by the rules. What I'm interested in is:
- Which actions are free? Either list, or better rules that allows to distinguish without a doubt.
- Where this rule can be found, when I'll bring that up? Book, chapter?
If it is there and I'm just missing a chapter from the rulebook, I'm sorry. I only have unlimited access to Polish rulebook, probably outdated. I have read English Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer's Edition, but it was not my copy and whilst I can get a peek, I can't borrow it to re-read it all over again now.