Suppose my character in PF1 is unconscious and dying, and the party cleric's turn is not until after mine in the initiative round. I would like to avoid wasting a turn by delaying until after the cleric's turn. This way, the cleric can heal my character and he can get back up immediately if he heals above 0 HP. My understanding of the rules for dying is that I would still need to make my check to stabilize, but that is not what I am trying to avoid here, I'm only asking about whether I can delay at all.
Is it possible to save my action economy this way? I know that you can't take any actions while you're unconscious, but is delaying your turn considered an action or not? The entry seems to imply that it is not.
By choosing to delay, you take no action and then act normally on whatever initiative count you decide to act.
Is there a more definitive ruling on this anywhere?