Assume a Paladin|Swordmage with Cha and Con dumping Int, or a Driud|Runepriest with Wis and Con dumping Str.
As the relevant ability is very low, it would make sense not to pick any power from the secondary class. However, hybrid rules say you must.
Is there a way around this?
I do not think Reserve Maneuver or multiclass power swaps work, but I am not sure.
Why would I want to make a hybrid, if do not plan on using its powers?
The answer is for a class feature. An Assault Swordmage can almost guarantee an MBA as an Immediate Reaction every round, and Serene Blade Runepriest can give a decent AC even for a Swarm Druid.
What about other types of powers from the secondary class?
- Utilities mostly do not care about your primary ability modifier
- Quite a lot of daily powers have so great effects that you do not really care about hitting
- At-will powers are just lost unfortunately