Hi so I've been told I should split up my earlier question to allow for more focused answers.
- Detonate is confronting Dr I.n.Flammable, unfortunately for Flammable, he brought his minions to the fight. Detonate is able to incapacitate all five minions with his first Area Damage effect giving him five more standard actions.
I think in this specific case this would not grant any additional actions as there will be no more minions in range, however in a general case, can the Takedown effect grant more than one Standard action per turn?
- Detonate is confronting Dr I.n.Flammable, unfortunately for Flammable, he brought his minions to the fight. Detonate is able to incapacitate one minion with each area attack while also including the Dr in the area, effectively allowing him to attack Flammable five times.
I expect that this will work as I have described.