How many points in the Benefit advantage would you need to be President of the United States (or the leader of a similarly powerful nation, like Russia or an alternate universe United States or something) in Mutants and Masterminds 3e? The Advantage itself says the following:
- Diplomatic Immunity: By dint of your diplomatic status, you cannot be prosecuted for crimes in nations other than your own. All another nation can do is deport you to your home nation.
- Security Clearance: You have access to classified government information, installations, and possibly equipment and personnel.
- Status: By virtue of birth or achievement, you have special status. Examples include nobility, knighthood, aristocracy, and so forth.
- Wealth: You have greater than average wealth or material resources, such as Well-off (rank 1), Independently Wealthy (rank 2), Millionaire (rank 3), Multimillionaire (rank 4), or Billionaire (rank 5).
Presumably, "being the President" could fall under all of those categories. When I looked up Lex Luthor's writeup in DC Heros Adventures (which uses the same system), it mentions that at one point he runs for US President and wins, and his stat block gives him "Benefit 5 (wealth and resources)", though I'm not sure if that is for him running LexCorp, him running the country as President, or both.
Does anyone have any hard rules for this? Ideally it'd involve a statblock of a reigning monarch or a sitting President, or an explicit rules statement somewhere, but something like a developer comment somewhere or rules from previous editions would work too (if they're compatible with what 3e says).