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11 votes
3 answers

Can Warp Mind's effect be mitigated just by hitting your friend?

The Warp Mind spell says the following: You scramble a creature's mental faculties and sensory input. The target must attempt a Will saving throw. Regardless of the result of that save, the target is ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Is a Critical Failure a Failure?

Are Critical Failures a subset of Failures, or a separate thing? One person I play with says that Halfling Luck does not trigger on Critical Failures, as it just says: Trigger You fail a skill check ...
András's user avatar
  • 65.9k
11 votes
1 answer

What is the critical failure threshold?

Pathfinder 2e has, what I consider to be, a fun mechanic that that rolling 10 over or under the DC causes critical success or failure (or turns failure to success and vice versa). It came up recently ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How much damage does a creature with the Improved Evasion feature take if critically failing a Reflex Save?

Improved Evasion (available on at least Rogues and Swashbucklers) provides the following benefit: You elude danger to a degree that few can match. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Are oozes immune to critical failures?

In a previous session, one of my players used Sudden Bolt against a Living Sap. Living Sap's have immunity to critical hits. They rolled low on their Reflex Save, and got 11 less than the spellcaster'...
ESCE's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Are there any consequences of a Critical Failure on attack rolls?

At "Attack rolls" on page 446 of CRB I could not find anything. For generic weapon attack rolls, is there a difference between Failures and Critical Failures?
András's user avatar
  • 65.9k