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Questions tagged [goliath]

For questions about goliaths, a race found in several editions of D&D that represent large grey-skinned humanoids.

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29 votes
6 answers

Are Goliaths able to wield large-sized weapons?

With the new Elemental Evil Player's Companion released awhile ago, Goliaths were added to 5e. I'm unfamiliar with 3.5 and previous editions, but I know that they were included and wielding large ...
Premier Bromanov's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Do multiple sources of counting as one size larger for carrying capacity stack?

I am currently mocking up a Goliath Barbarian, and was wondering if there is a limit to the amount of sources of "You count as if you were one size larger for the purpose of determining your carrying ...
Eradrazil's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Is Goliath weight range reasonable?

While this may be opinion-based, this question is specific enough to produce well-argued and specific answers. The weight range for Goliaths is 280-340 lbs, or 127-154kg. Their height is between 7 ...
Gerino's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can someone explain this Goliath physical description?

I'm creating a female Goliath character. Though the D&D Beyond description does not give much information about physical appearance (such as eye color and skin color), I did find an explanation ...
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